Dear Best Selfers,
People often ask me about the ‘real stuff’, the behind-the-scenes experience I have during our interviews. “What’s s/he really like?” If I had to describe Glennon, I would tell you that first and foremost, she shows up. And she packs a lot of punch in that small body of hers.
From the moment the elevator doors to the studio opened up on the morning of our photo shoot, I took a deep exhale. I knew right away that she was showing up for us, for Best Self, for you, for herself and for as many others in the world that she can possibly impact.
Yes, Glennon shows up.
She showed up with an infectious sense of humor, enthusiasm and humility, ready to play. She also showed up much to my delight, with Abby, her now wife.
Her #1 New York Times best-selling book, Love Warrior is all about the journey of showing up; for yourself and for the ensuing path it leads you down. That journey of the human experience as depicted in the book — is often messy and glorious and everything in between.
And yet, this is where Glennon shines: in her ability to invite us into her story.
In essence, her truth-telling about life’s experiences paves the way and inspires us to do the same — not because it’s easy, but rather because it cracks us open to who we are really meant to be, to what is truly possible. She’s also not afraid to reveal the bumps in her road as she travels through this thing called life.
In our delightful time together, we went there. We talk life, family, politics, over-sharing, activism and as a writer, where to draw the line to refrain from using life as material. Most of all she shares how to live full-on.
Glennon makes me want to be an activist. She makes me want to love fiercely, protect ferociously and show up. She makes me want to be a ‘love warrior’…and that’s something worth fighting for.
Show up Best Selfers, you’ll never regret it!

~ Kristen

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