Dear Best Selfers:
Happy December! Tis’ the season to be jolly, and to tap into our best selves.
Our cover feature, Nick Ornter of the book, movie and company — The Tapping Solution, is the kind of guy who greets you in his driveway with a big smile and helps carry in the photo gear. He’s also the kind of guy who works hard and has a desk on his treadmill (yes, you read that correctly). As a matter of fact, whenever he emailed me subsequent to our photo shoot, I would ask him, are you on the treadmill? Well in one way or another we are all on the treadmill of life, but it’s abundantly clear that with people like Nick lighting the way with their passionate work – they are paving the way for us to connect and do the same. As Nick jokes (and btw, he has an infectious sense of humor), he is a 10-year-overnight success.
We often get a birds-eye view into our subject’s lives, as we typically conduct our interviews in their homes. First impression: He’s pretty much an all around happy guy, loves his work, loves his wife, welcomed a new baby this year (which warrants a special shout-out to baby June aka “Mini Me” – the spitting image of Nick) and has built a life around family in both business and his personal world.
Yeah, it all sounds like a a fairy tale (and it kind of is), but it wasn’t always that way for Nick.
He’s worked hard to get where he is – and where he is, is an inspiration to all of us. You can read more about his journey in our interview.
Best yet, Nick’s built a business around helping you do the same. It was joy to get to know him, AND a joy to reconnect to the power of EFT (emotional freedom technique) otherwise known as tapping. This is a powerful modality for accessing our body’s own ability to heal itself – to get underneath the limiting beliefs holding us back from all that we were meant to be. Check out our video interview – I even did a round with him!
So what are you doing for your holidays, and how are you planning to ring in your new year? I can’t think of a better way to close out one year and usher in a new.
In the spirit of all things empowering, gift yourself some time to daydream — where do I want my life to go?
Are you on that path? And if not, there’s no time like the present to shift gears. Step out of the hustle and bustle and tap into your joy. It’s all there hidden beneath some old thought patterns that no longer serve you. You needn’t wait until spring to do some housekeeping. Best part — you can take your tapping anywhere you go.
Now that’s what I call some conscious gift giving. When you gift to self, you gift to others. This is how we shift the world – one shift in consciousness at a time.
Happy joyous, loving, best self holidays! Thanks for sharing this year with us — here’s to an abundant 2016 in all aspects of your life.

~ Kristen

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