Dear Best Selfers:
BAM! Our power-packed Issue 04 will surely spark your internal desire-ometer!
I’ll admit that just seconds after announcing to Danielle LaPorte, while on set for our interview, “That’s a wrap – I think we’ve got it,” I had this quick little surge of panic within — Oh No, I forgot to work in the “Truth Bombs.” If you aren’t familiar with her Truth Bombs — they are like Danielle — dynamic, sexy, a little bad-assy, creative and veritable. A boxed up 134 card deck of one sentence lusciousness written in Danielle’s handwriting, they are meant to be whimsical, to be left for others and to inspire you to create some daily magic. So how could I have forgotten to talk about them? I had envisioned pulling a random card from the deck and having her ad lib — because this is one of the things she does best, run unscripted with inspiration.
The first time I met Danielle, she was speaking at an event in New York City. She took the stage and allowed the audience to call out feeling words to her and the rest was unrehearsed poetry in motion.
For an instant, I actually contemplated calling everyone back to resume our positions and to record a few more minutes of the interview. Instead, I carried on telling myself things like — everything happens for a reason. It’s all good. You’ve got what you need. Though it didn’t quite sit with me (and it still kind of doesn’t).
So, I’m laying my cards out on the table — both literally and figuratively. Did I mention that the box cover of the Truth Bombs reads, “Look your desire in the eye?” After a quick meditation, I’m going to pull two cards from my very own deck and share the experience with you. Here goes:
I’ll take that! Does that resonate with you?
In preparation for this issue and my interview with Danielle LaPorte, I delved into her most recent book, The Desire Map, which is part workbook, part authentic sharing and (predominantly) part provocation — as if she is saying…
Here are the tools, now go off and do something with them.
Danielle’s voice is unique and bold, her message direct, no time for bullshit. The Desire Map will guide you to flip your thinking on its head, to quite possibly flip your approach to your life on its head. Where do you start? By asking yourself, “How do you want to feel?” Of course.
Is it that simple? Can I chase a feeling rather than an outcome? What do you have to lose? Come along for the ride with the myriad voices of our Best Self Co-Creators. We’ve built an entire issue around the theme of activating your core desired feelings. Delve deeper and check in with your own.

~ Kristen

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