Dear Leapers of Faith,
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Best Self! We are grateful you are here. This issue is dedicated to the spirit of taking a leap of faith, a concept with which we have all come face to face, possibly several times throughout our lives.
The Leap of Faith comes in many flavors and often likes to disguise itself, but in the end, it presents a gift to the beholder… the possibility of shifting one’s life from the foundation on up.
Have you ever stood at the brink of throwing in the towel…on a dream, a project, a calling – or asked yourself, is this it? Is this all that life has in store for me, or I for it? Is it luck of the draw — did those who follow their life passions and dreams win the Universal lottery?
Well in fact, they did, but it’s not an exclusive club with a sold-out membership.
Be inspired by those brave enough to share their stories, and keep reaching with us. This is your Best Self, a magazine dedicated to providing extraordinary content to empower readers to reach closer to their own best selves.
We celebrate those who have stayed the course, followed their true passion and manifested their dreams, like featured celebrity, Giancarlo Esposito – actor /director and all-around good guy. Traveling a non-linear, unconventional path, this man never swayed from his inner calling to perform, create, and be on stage. His voice is distinguishable in more ways than one. Today he lends it to causes that spread his message of love and self-awakening, inspiring others to do the same. We give a special shout-out of congratulations to Giancarlo for his recent star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!
From the moment that this magazine was a mere vision, the stars conspired to align and the most amazing individuals arrived.
This eclectic group began to magically co-create messages of inspiration.
Our feature writer (and soon to be regular contributor here at Best Self) best-selling author Nancy Levin, has experienced many leaps in her life. Most recently, she has stepped out of her shoes from behind the scenes at Hay House, leaping into the spotlight.
Jennifer Kass, our love pioneer, grew up with all things spiritual. She deviated from this path, but has come full circle with deep conviction to reclaim her purpose-driven mission and the practices that were first introduced in her youth. Kim Keating was a child with big dreams and went on to graduate from Harvard Business School. She provides her own brand of cheerleading, business savvy, and encourages others to keep striving in their careers and uncover their personal journey. Jenna Knudsen has taken more leaps in her life than a circus performer. Her “I can do it and so can you” mantra is as infectious as her sparkly smile. She is quick-witted and sassy and brings forth her own down-to-earth version of motivation.
Someone once posted on Facebook how they cannot look at kale without thinking of Lysa Ingalsbe, certified holistic health coach and RN. Having personally sampled her culinary too-good-to-be-healthy genius, I can attest to her healing powers through food and conscious living. Urban Zen Integrative Yoga Therapist, Menna Olvera, demonstrates the benefits of bringing the balance from her mat to her life. Media producer, new mother, and yoga guru, she epitomizes spiritual practice in motion.
Ajax Greene, our self-professed “serial social entrepreneur” reminds us to be planet-aware and socially responsible, while creating prosperous ventures. Eileen Haber literally leapt in ballet shoes as a young girl – until she grew too tall. Her height led her to succeed as an international fashion model. Since then she has leapt many times, most recently in declaring her new role as a writer.
We are thrilled to debut the fresh photography of our youngest contributor, Richard Mallett, whose whimsical imagery speaks to an artistic vision beyond his years. Seasoned photographer Bill Miles shares the exquisite work of his personal journey to an artist retreat in Ballinskelligs, Ireland, inviting us into his quest for discovery, prompting us to embark upon our own.
Sometimes the stories we least want to tell are precisely the ones that need to be told. It is our goal at Best Self to share the many voices of the self-empowerment dreamers and activists. The commonality of themes uniquely expressed by each author, joyously reminds me that we really are One. Inspiration comes in many flavors — which resonates with you?
Be bold and inspired. I sign off and encourage you to go forth — have no fear, your Best Self is here!

~ Kristen
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