We are multi-colored stories, a masterpiece in the making; embrace your past and explore new experiences and ideas to fully understand your true self
This might be different advice than you are expecting to hear about discovering the real you. My first questions are: which ‘real you’? Who you are now? Or who you were ten years ago? Or the person you will be ten years from now?
I believe you must realize and have allowance for the fact that you change and grow and develop, and the ‘real you’ will not be static or immutable. Do you wear the same style of clothes or hair as ten years ago? Is your hair even the same color or thickness? The art, antiques and furniture I loved ten years ago are very different from what I enjoy and choose now.
If you wish to discover more about yourself — just keep trying different things to see what you like. Keep exploring what is fun for you. Instead of trying to find the ‘real’ you and the seriousness and significance of that — what if you aimed for what is fun for you now? Not just saying, “Oh, I like classical music so I will go buy opera tickets.” Some operas are boring. Perhaps you should check out a jazz concert, or gasp, maybe a rock concert? Or, if you are a rocker, check out an opera. I promise you, some of them are loud and intense.
You might discover another piece of what makes you, you.
Unleash your curiosity about the world and what is available for you to experience.
The worst that can happen is you discover something you don’t like. It’s all information.
Your life is like a painting. It’s made up of brush strokes and each brush stroke is a choice. A painting is a composition of thousands of strokes — like your life. All the choices you have made so far have created what you are today. Everything that is in your life today and everything you’ve created and achieved — all those strokes — you started working towards years ago. That painting, those strokes, show you the true you. Look at that unexpected blue stroke from a few years ago and see the interest it adds to your painting.
One of the tools we use in Right Voice for You® is rhythm. Rhythm isn’t just the beat of a drum or whether you can dance well, it is also the pace your life takes from each choice you make. For example, you make a choice to vote for a certain politician. That choice starts a rhythm to which you must dance for the next 2 or 4 years. You make a choice to move to a certain city for a new job. That choice starts a rhythm that colors every day for as long as you live there. The cool thing about life is that you can keep choosing. If something doesn’t feel right, choose again.
Have you ever made yourself feel ‘wrong’ for not sticking to one path, or one version of yourself?
One of the things I was judged for the most when I was younger was that I kept going through phases. I would be really into or in love with something, obsessed even, and then I would lose interest. I even had the nickname ‘Flippant Phil’. Eventually, I realized maybe that wasn’t a negative part of me. Maybe it was part of what made me interesting. I am in my early 40s and I have experienced and explored so much, all of which makes it easier to learn and grow. I am not afraid to try things. All of those experiences and obsessions have added brush strokes to my painting.
What does your painting show about you? Today you might choose to exhibit as a classical painting with splashy, dressy clothes; other days blurry impressionism in your old t-shirt and jeans; or severe realism in your coal black suit and muted tie.
It is okay to have fun with your painting, i.e. your life.
Have you labelled yourself as a coffee drinker? What if you went to a fancy tea shop and tried Lapsang Souchong or a winey Assam? Your label might broaden. “I am usually a coffee drinker except for the days I choose tea.” “I usually wear jeans except for the days I wear Gucci.” You get the picture.
The ‘you’ you think you are is probably more versatile, interesting, accomplished, talented, and varied than you give yourself credit for.
Your canvas is bigger than you think. What can you choose to be or do differently today to discover more about the real you?
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