Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
With the world in distress, a vast expression of our collective consciousness could realign humanity and rebalance our planet
The disastrous climactic conditions prevailing on earth are signs of Nature’s distress. These effects have been caused mainly by human activities such as harmful decisions and selfish aims. The worldwide shifts in weather patterns are the repercussions, the ways, in which Nature is responding to man’s violations of natural laws. It is in our interests to heed the ample warning signals on the horizon. It is imperative in order to redress the wrongs done, and to avoid the perilous outcomes looming ahead if we continue to proceed in the present direction.
The unprecedented series of wildfires in the United States, especially in Maui and California, and in British Columbia in Canada, the impending hurricanes in California, the typhoon in Japan, the floods in China, the floods and landslides in India, the storms in Germany, the excessive heat in Iraq, and the excessive rains in Indonesia, the earthquake in Turkey and the countless other symptoms of the agony felt by Mother Earth point to the dire situation facing us today.
These imbalances in the natural order are a result and a reflection of the mounting stress in world consciousness caused by collective violations of natural law by a large majority of people.
“The universe reacts to individual actions… Discord is created, currents antagonistic to the natural conditions of evolution are set in motion in the atmosphere, and the natural stream of individual and cosmic evolution set by Mother Nature is strained.”
These words uttered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the greatest scientist of consciousness, indicate that the stressful influences emitted by individuals in society produce tension, disharmony and discord in the functioning of the natural laws governing the evolution of life on the planet. When individuals think wrongly, speak wrongly and act wrongly, an influence of fear, anxiety and depression is produced in the collective consciousness of the nation and this influence radiates into the world.
The only remedy is to counter-act this prevailing influence with an equal and opposite influence of harmony, goodwill and compassion.
A method of alleviating the prevalence of disharmony is to have large groups of people meditating together in one place. The collective power of large group meditations can serve to mitigate the level of stress in world consciousness. In this way, we can shift the scale from negativity to positivity.
The phenomenon of creating a powerful influence of coherence in a whole community or nation as a result of a small percentage of a population practising Transcendental Mediation has been called the “Maharishi Effect” because Maharishi predicted this effect many years ago. The Maharishi Effect is an effect of coherence and positivity produced at the deepest level of nature’s functioning, the most fundamental level of life which permeates all life everywhere.
This can be understood from the perspective of physics as a “field effect” of consciousness. This principle in physics establishes that it is not necessary to act individually on each separate constituent of a system, but that the entire system can be handled collectively. In the “field effect”, the entire system is governed as a whole.
The tactic of enlivening coherence through increasing the percentage of meditators in a population, especially through large group meditations, has the potential to enliven the whole field of collective consciousness. Through the use of this approach, which is made feasible at scale through modern technology, it is possible to rapidly produce large scale changes in the world!
There is an idea called ‘the principle of the second element’. When in darkness, bring in the light. Rather than trying to solve the multitude of problems facing the world by fumbling around in the dark, we bring in the light!
The light is the light of pure consciousness — the light of the Self. This is the value of having large groups of meditators enlivening the unified field of pure consciousness in their awareness.
Large groups meditating together can have an effect similar to a light source in a dark room. When the source is activated, it penetrates into the darkness, scatters it and illuminates the space with light. The “field effect” of consciousness is the second element, the illumination. It can eliminate the muddled thinking so prevalent in the world today.
The world is tottering on the brink of a huge shift into light. It is the future many of us are envisioning, and it is possible to make it a living reality now. With this awareness of the choices we face, and the ability to move forward together, we can collectively choose the path of light and create a harmonious, progressive and peaceful world — and restore the balance of Earth’s natural order.
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