Having lost their son, Emilio, to cancer, Richard and Diane Nares created the Emilio Nares Foundation to help children battling cancer get to appointments.
Best Self's roundup of noteworthy initiatives, products, apps and organizations doing good stuff in the world. Know of something shout-out-able? Please share! Email us at hello@bestselfmedia.com
The Giving Keys : Employing the Homeless, Paying Inspiration Forward
The Giving Keys pay it forward with inspirational messages — the sale of every key supports job creation for people transitioning out of homelessness.
Super Food Drive
Healthy food donations to improve the health of the hungry
Belly Armor | Radiation Protection Blankets
Protective blankets to shield vital organs from everyday radiation
Grab-N-Go Green | Eco Packaging
Grab-N-Go Green natural range, environmentally friendly eco packaging
Algalita | Raising Awareness of Ocean Pollution
Algalita: A ship with a mission to raise awareness of and reduce the mammoth plastic pollution in our oceans