Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House, has built the world’s largest publisher in self empowerment by tapping into the soul of the company, creators, and customers.
Interview: Kris Carr | Crazy Sexy Awakening
In this special interview, crazy sexy cancer survivor and wellness warrior Kris Carr shares laughs and sheds tears, talking all things health, work & love.
Interview: Danielle LaPorte | The Desire Map
Danielle LaPorte dives deep into the power of our desires to guide us. How you want to feel? Act on that, and life will magically align with your dreams.
Interview: Congressman Tim Ryan | A Mindful Revolution
Real food is not only about agriculture and nutrition. It’s about a way of life that connects us back to the earth, to each other, to our communities, and to what really matters.
Interview: Sonia Choquette | The Journey Home
Sonia Choquette, an intuitive and six-sensory guide, dives deep into her pilgrimage along El Camino De Santiago, a journey of releasing pain and re-birth.
Interview: Giancarlo Esposito | Leap Of Faith
You make that choice and in seconds it goes into the Universe and that’s what we put out. We can change that. We are in control of that…