Finding your calling — your life passion — is about tapping into your bliss, to bring your potential into the world and live life to the fullest
A Little Rebellion Goes a Long Way In Business (and Life)
It’s not easy being the first, being different, or forging your own path in business; however, this is exactly what clients are often looking for… and need
Why ‘Trying Harder’ To Prioritize Yourself Just Doesn’t Work
For many, prioritizing others is our natural instinct. To shift focus onto ourselves requires some inner reprogramming, but can be profoundly important
Fighting Childhood Obesity: How to Prevent Excessive Weight Gain in Our Kids
Childhood obesity is a serious concern, but how can you prevent it in your kids? Be proactive, be involved and make health the priority
10 Skin Care Tips for Healthy Aging
Good skin care is essential for healthy aging; here are 10 easy practices to keep you looking and feeling your best
7 Productivity Tips that Can Change Your Life, at Work and at Home
Productivity is more than achievement; it’s intention, learning, and habits all rolled in together. Here are some tips to help you get more out of life