Marianne doesn’t just toss platitudes around, she doesn’t only call for change when she sees a need for it – she shows up to be that change.
Editors Letter
Editor’s Letter: Issue 10, Kelly Brogan, MD
Never underestimate the power of a Holy Fool. Never underestimate the power of a message whose time has come.
Editor’s Letter: Issue 11, Lodro Rinzler
They say seeing is believing or believing is seeing (depending upon your mood) — for a reason. You can surround yourself with all of the self-help books, motivational card decks, crystals and trendy new mala beads, but the rubber doesn’t truly hit the road until your butt hits the cushion — the meditation cushion that is…
Editor’s Letter: Issue 12, Nancy Levin
Dear Best Selfers, There are no coincidences, right? So, true to all things Nancy Levin and her new book, Worthy:…
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Editor’s Letter: Issue 13, Jonathan Fields
Dear Best Selfers, So, the million-dollar question is: How do we live a good life? And while we are on…
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Editor’s Letter: Issue 14, Mike Dooley
Dear Best Selfers, Weather and traffic — two things we simply have to surrender to. And sometimes when it rains…
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