Are you lost in achieving and far from being? Release yourself from the rat race of ‘doing’ and focus on ‘becoming’…all that your soul truly desires.
In the morning before your feet hit the ground beside your bed, before you sip that warm coffee (or tea), even before your blood is pumping and you are ready to start your day…any number of things probably dart through your brain like a checklist: to-dos, tasks, agendas…and that ol’ limited thinking. In the quiet of the morn, the chaos of the mind can storm in and take over — and defeat us before we even begin.
Don’t let that happen.
We know where we have to be and what we have to do at a designated time — get the kids off to school, get to work, show up for meetings, attend soccer games, meet deadlines, prepare dinner, walk the dog AND squeeze in self-care, etc. Phew.
Recently, while on one of my walks with a dear friend, the notion of ‘becoming’ came up. WOW, I thought to myself. Yeah, we sure put a lot of dedication, hard work and planning into our ‘goals’; perhaps those include building a business, writing a book, networking and making money.
But that all revolves around doing, acquiring and achieving… what about becoming?
Where does that squeeze in?
When was the last time you asked yourself…who am I becoming? Not what am I achieving, acquiring and doing.
Do I like ME?
Am I proud of ME?
Am I showing up for ME?
Sure, I’m a realist; we’ve got to put food on the table, a roof over our heads, pay college tuition bills and then some. But while that may feel like our ‘real’ job…it isn’t. Who you are becoming and evolving into truly is the single most important thing you will ever do. That version of you affects everything around you, from the people to the planet.
Do you have a strategy for that? When was the last time you assessed that agenda? Hmmm. And by the way, I hear you. I put a lot of things at the top of my list, while my ‘becoming’ slips to the bottom, for when I have time. I promise I’ll get to it later, but becoming isn’t an ala carte item on a dinner menu.
What’s really important to you? Can you shift something in your life to make more room for that…to at least knock it up a few pegs on the list?
Self-awareness is our job. Self-agency is our homecoming.
Healing our wounds heals the world, truly. As they say, hurt people…hurt people. Besides, we can’t heal others, we can only heal ourselves. However, a beautiful thing emerges when we do our own work — we clear space for more of the same, as our journeys and evolution continue to unfold. And we invite others to do the same in their own lives, mirroring a reflection of what is possible for all.
Before you may dismiss this as…look, I just don’t have time for that right now business — I want you to know, it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s best if it’s not. It may simply start with a morning prayer, an awareness, a small action. But those things grow, they plant the garden of your Best Self soul.
Consciously be your Best Self and become more of it each day…you will smile more, laugh more, breathe more, see more, give more, feel more, love more — become more. Yes, I want more — more of that please! That’s what I’m becoming…YOU?
You may also enjoy reading It’s Time to Fly: Facing Our Fears and Letting Go, by Kristen Noel