As the coronavirus permeates the lives of us all, we need to view this global disruption as a wakeup call for consciousness, connection and action
Extraordinary souls have always retreated into caves to ponder. And now, we are being asked to retreat into the caves of our inner essence. All sources of entertainment, all forms of distraction have been snatched away from us. Our education, our lives, our livelihood: all at stake. Even places of worship are closed. But God is here—in the temples, the mosques, the churches, the synagogues of our existence. We are being asked to be still, to be grateful for what we took for granted for eons, to discard what was not serving our planet, to let go of what was detrimental to our minds, bodies, and souls.
Brothers and sisters: pain precedes growth. We see that in the cries of a teething toddler and a mother in labor.
And growth takes time. Let us heed the call to grow while in retreat, patiently, ever so patiently. Even while tears flow. Even while uncertainty transiently shackles us.
For too long we have ignored the invitation. We chased the world at the expense of preserving it. Even when the trees and animals taught us forgiveness, we sought antagonism toward Nature. We fought to stop pollution but never succeeded because we ignored the fact that it was our minds that were, and are, polluted. Recycling and removing toxic waste begin within ourselves.
God’s mercy yet again invites us. And in an era of information, we can no longer deny the message. In this darkness, may God restore our light.
Our collective awakening awaits based on our individual efforts. This is our time for prayer and contemplation.
We humbly accept this unique opportunity to ascend to new heights and surrender to God wholeheartedly.
A collective shift is in order. Look deep within the pain and fear, deeper, deeper. And stay there. In that sacred space. This.
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