Angel numbers are more than nods from above — they hold significant messages, meaning and are a call to spiritual action
I was a teenager when I first noticed 11:11 appearing everywhere I looked. I remember looking at my first cell phone and seeing it appearing time and time again. I wondered if I was going crazy, or imagining it, or even unconsciously looking at my phone at that particular time, but what happened next was undeniable. I told my mum and some of my friends about it, and it started happening when they were with me too. Other repeating number sequences kept appearing as well, and not just on cell phones. We’d go to the store for groceries and the bill would be £11.11, or we’d order coffee and cake, and it would come to £4.44. It was the same wherever I went.
I was fairly new to spirituality then, but I took some time to pray and ask about what was happening. I remember saying something like, “Angels, if it’s you sending me these numbers, I want to see them three times today, so that I know you’re trying to tell me something.” And the numbers kept coming — I knew that angels were sending messages.
But the question was, what were they saying — what was the meaning behind them? I had no idea.
As one does, I remember Googling “What does 11:11 mean?” and reading several interpretations. Many people said the numbers indicated that this was a time to “make a wish” or “set an intention,” while others said they meant that angels were encouraging us to align our thoughts with the highest. So I did what I always do when Google doesn’t have a definitive answer: I meditated.
During my meditation I remember reciting a simple prayer like: “Angels, thank you for revealing to me what I need to know about seeing 11:11,” and in flash I saw lots of images and scenes like movie clips in my mind, including images of Jesus and the Buddha, and heard the words “We are all one.” As my vision continued, I saw Muslim friends praying to Mecca and again heard “We are all one.” Then I saw a video of Bob Marley singing “One Love” and just felt encompassed by unity. I was one with angels, one with ascended masters and one with God!

So, 11:11 is a message we’ve received time and time again through the ages: it’s a reminder that we are all one.
We are interlaced and interconnected with the field of energy that creates and cultivates the universe.
But it doesn’t end there.
For me, this recurring message isn’t just “You are one with all that is,” and that’s it. It’s a call to action. It’s almost as though the universe/God (same thing to me) is inviting us to be fully aware that the power and light of the universe are within us. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
So, if the power and light of the universe are within us, what we choose to do in our life affects that energy.
And so 11:11 is a call to align ourselves, our intentions, and our actions with the highest. That’s what it means to be a lightworker or an Earth angel.
Angels & Numbers
Today, belief in angels is getting even stronger. In 2016 a survey of 2,000 Britons revealed that one third believed in angels and 1 in 10 believed they had encountered an angel, and recent polls in the USA have shown that 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels. This is so exciting!
It’s no wonder that so many of us are receiving what can only be described as signs and messages from heaven at this time, because these beings want us to know that they are here for us.
Living in a digital age — many of find ourselves looking at screens all day long, it only makes sense that the angels will begin to communicate with us through a digital means, by inspiring us to look at the clock or speed dials or other places that hold numbers at specific times.
If you always see the same numbers repeated – from license plates to receipts and digital clocks – it could be your angels sending you a message.
Angels are divine messengers who have existed in some form in almost every religion and culture since the dawn of time. In this digital age, they are finding new ways to remind you of your higher truth.

Whenever you need guidance from your angels, simply ask.
Know that your angels are always listening and looking for an opportunity to send you a reminder that they are near.
For thousands of years, numbers have been considered auspicious and a way of understanding the universe. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that numbers had vibrational values that corresponded to those of musical notes. He created a system that was able to reveal information about a person’s personality and outer expression based solely on the numerical values of their name, date, and place of birth. This system is referred to as Pythagorean Numerology.
In contrast, modern‐day numerology focuses on the numerological values of your name (to reveal your destiny number) and date of birth (to reveal your life path number). Through the information revealed, a person may understand their sense of calling toward a particular purpose, why certain personality traits are stronger than others, and what challenges they are here to face during this lifetime.
Although angel numbers may contain similar ideas and information to Pythagorean Numerology, the information about each angel number in my new book, Angel Numbers: The Message and Meaning Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences, is divinely inspired and channeled rather than calculated.
What numbers are you seeing? Use the Angel Numbers Key Codex to get your message interpretation:
0. New Beginnings. Doors opening. God.
1. The Self. Oneness. Higher Self. Universal connection.
2. Union. Connection to others. Aligning with love.
3. Expansion. Higher power. The Masters.
4. Angels. Communication. Gifts expanding.
5. Changes. Effort. Action and input required.
6. Balance. Intention required. Carefulness.
7. Magic. Manifestation. Divine Inspiration.
8. Journey. Growth. Spiritual lessons.
9. Self‐mastery. Union with higher self. Divine feminine.
For example: If, you’re constantly seeing 303 the message would be something like:
“The Higher Power and Holy Masters are supporting you, let the light in!”
Sure it’s fun to catch an angel number pop up on your phone, but I can assure you that along with the whimsy of it all — there are deeper messages of meaning and a spiritual call to action for you. The angels are calling. Are you ready to answer?

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