It’s not easy being the first, being different, or forging your own path in business; however, this is exactly what clients are often looking for…and need
Most entrepreneurs and business owners would create more for themselves and their business if they allowed themselves to rebel.
According to the dictionary, rebellion is the action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention. Being a rebel means believing and trusting in yourself so that you will not blindly follow the status quo or what others expect from you or project onto you as the ‘right’ way to do or be. Being a rebel also allows you to question everything you choose and ask why? Whose rules are you following? Are you creating something in your business that works for you or are you creating it to suit others?
Being a rebel is a strength, not a weakness. Your ability to rebel — to live out your difference even if it means standing out from the crowd — is a superpower that will create your life, your business, and your future if you step into that power and use it to your advantage.
Sometimes, that which makes us appear to be a ‘rebel’ can also be labelled by others as what is ‘wrong’ about us. As a true rebel, however, you have the power to flip that around and take all that is considered as a wrongness in this world and access the strongness that it actually is.
That’s right: Everything you think is wrong about you can actually be what is strong about you.
This statement will set you free once you are willing to look at it from this different perspective. If you stopped resisting and avoiding what you’ve judged as ‘wrong’ about you, what strength and power would show up? Would you be willing to use the judgment that others put on you for being a rebel as a creative element? If so, start looking at what you decided your weaknesses or wrongness are and ask yourself: “What can I create with this?”
The true power in rebellion comes from knowing that you don’t have to fight anyone or anything. Instead, you can seek possibility by embracing strength and self-trust to create something greater than most people are willing to have.
Being rebellious in business and life doesn’t require massive actions or dramatic gestures because a little rebellion — when done with the right tools — can go a long way.
Here are 4 key tips for breaking the ‘creative mold’ and being a little rebellious in business with maximum effect:
1. You’re not wrong
We all mess up at times so it’s important to reset your relationship with ‘wrongness’. If something doesn’t work out as planned, don’t sit around and wait for someone or something else to tell you that you’re not wrong. It’s up to you to pull yourself out of any sense of wrongness or failure and cull from the experience whatever nuggets you can learn from. You can further help yourself by surrounding yourself with people you look up to and will inspire you to be greater rather than focus on mistakes. Also, choose to do things that bring you joy and ignite the creative and happy energies in your life. But it’s up to you, and totally within your power, to acknowledge that nothing you do is ever wrong.
2. Don’t give up
No one (at least no one I know) is completely immune to moments where a plan doesn’t seem to be working out, so we start to think “I’m pathetic” or “I can’t do this.” Often, these moments occur because money isn’t showing up or we don’t get a certain result we decided was necessary. But don’t give up! Even if the money and results are not flowing in right away, take this as an opportunity to adjust and recommit.
Affirm to yourself: I will do and be whatever is required.
Then ask yourself: Is this plan creating the future I truly want? Is money actually on its way? Am I at a point where I need to choose differently?
3. Choose differently
What else is possible? This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask in business and in life. Business is not about discovering the thing that you can do for the next 40 years. It´s also not about sticking with a plan if it’s not creating what you desire. Choice is a daily exercise, so start each day anew by asking: What is possible today? Allow your business and daily life to actually become an adventure instead of letting each day look the same. Spice it up by asking: What adventure can I have with this?
4. Redefine your relationship with failure
Many businesses owners function from a fear of potential loss or failure. Understandably, they don’t want to lose their relationship, their apartment, their reputation, but this desire often leads to a fear of making mistakes. As a result, you can spend all your energy and focus holding onto what you’ve created, and in the process, lose the ability to adapt and choose differently. People love to have control over things: their team, the market, their partners. So it makes sense that they will try to have control over not making mistakes. But this is so stifling to creativity!
It’s better to redefine failure in business as just an unexpected possibility. See it simply as information and then ask yourself: What do I do with the information I just gained? Where do we go from here?
It doesn’t matter where you are coming from, what your situation is, how many mistakes you’ve made, or if your life looks as if there are no possibilities ahead for you. By adding a bit of rebellion and not believing in limits or naysaying (even if it’s coming from you!), everything is possible once you make that choice.
You may also enjoy reading Our Best Self in the Face of Fear and Failure by Sheila Ferguson