If you have a dreams of transformation for your inner or outer life, hiring a life coach is one of the most helpful tools to bring your dreams to life
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to change your habits and identity while you’re still living the same life you always have? Living in the same place, surrounded by family and friends you have known your whole life, it’s easy to feel stuck in the trap of how everyone perceives you. We even define ourselves by the way others talk about us, and by the roles we take up – whether we want them or not!
Hiring a life coach can help you break this cycle by giving you the tools to transform your day-to-day experiences into moments you consistently find meaningful and joyful.
Most of us have experienced the transformative power of making a complete 180. Going to a new school, making new friends, and having the opportunity to completely change how people see us (and how we see ourselves).For most of us this happened around the time we graduated high school, got our first full-time job, started our first long-term romance, or began college.
Within an incredibly short amount of time — voila! We felt like someone new. We created new habits, a new work ethic, a different outlook on life. We felt capable of so much more than when we were kids at home.
The power of shifting our outer environment to help spur an inner shift in belief and self-perception cannot be understated.
But sometimes, moving far away, going back to school for another degree, or generally reinventing our lives from the outside-in can feel impossible.
We all know that one of the best ways to stay sane, productive, and happy is to spend time with people who already operate in the space you want to live in. There is nothing more valuable than having someone by your side that has walked your path before you. Having at least one person in your circle who perceives you as the person you want to become is key to actually becoming that person!
When you know you’re ready for massive outer change, when you are committed to setting yourself up for equally massive inner success, hiring a life coach is an excellent way to set the table for a smooth transition to the next stage of your personal development.
Imagine having a deep conversation about what you really want to be doing in life.
Or imagine being asked the hard questions that allow you to answer as the person rising to that challenge, who makes decisions that further your goals into reality. What could you accomplish when you have not only your own belief in yourself working for you, but the magnifying belief of another soul — one that is offering you the tools and accountability that make it easier than you ever thought possible to take your next step forward? That’s what it is like working with a good life coach.
Hiring a life coach in times of transition is one of the most valuable investments you can make in yourself.
Why is it worth the time and money you spend to work with them?
A life coach calmly holds space for you as the person you are becoming with complete trust and faith. They cheer you on, helping you see and avoid pitfalls while encouraging you to pick yourself up and dust yourself off when you run into obstacles.
A life coach holds a space of belief in YOU — in what you are capable of, and for what you have already accomplished. A coach shows up for you with LOVE for how far you have come, for the dreams you’re tackling and accomplishing, and for the vulnerability and possibility alive in your spirit.
A life coach doesn’t know you as the person with all the baggage. She doesn’t judge you for where you’ve been, the awful things that happened, or the stuff that you’re ready to let go of. She’s there for you as you are now, embracing the person you are ready to become.
A life coach holds you accountable as the person you want to be, so that you can step into yourself with love, grace, and ease. She forgives you for any setbacks you encounter, because she’s been there before, too. And she knows how to give the boost you need to push yourself a little farther than you would on your own so that you can soar.
A life coach tells you the hard truths that your friends won’t tell you. Truths that wake you up and give you back your power and personal responsibility. Your coach will call you on your excuses and ask you to step up and act in your favor. And she’ll do it as often as you need to hear it.
A life coach helps you see yourself with fresh eyes. When your coach reflects what she sees and hears in you, suddenly you can see it, too. This allows you to step forward in a way that is capable, strong, creative, in the flow — a badass at conquering and enjoying your life.
A life coach provides the container for you to step into love and belief in yourself. When someone is holding you in a loving, supportive space like that, with true belief in you and all that you can do, you can shift your entire world in a surprisingly short amount of time.
A life coach is someone to talk to every week who makes you feel amazing about yourself. Someone who can quickly see through your self-deception and lovingly point out where you are holding yourself back.
It is so much easier to align with your goals and desires and bring them into reality when you surround yourself with people, places, and things that are already in a positive vibrational space.
If you don’t have a lot of people in your life that can help you make your shift, or you simply want a reliable place to turn that helps keep your momentum going, hiring a coach is a great next step.
When you are ready to make lasting changes to improve your quality of life in a tangible way, you’ll want to invest in yourself to make those changes happen NOW. You won’t want to delay or hold yourself back a second longer! So find a life coach to help jumpstart your own phenomenal transformation.
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