5 Simple tips help you jumpstart manifesting dreams — now
What is the most treasured desire at the center of your heart? Is it clear to you, or discarded and buried away — out of sight out of mind?
It is essential to visualize the life that you dream of living. It is also crucial that you believe that you can create whatever you want in your life. The only thing that stands between you and a boundless field of unlimited potential available for you to tap into is energy — energy activated for manifesting, or energy expended upon limited thinking. Which do you desire to call forth?
The truth is that you are here to live into those dreams. That is your purpose! There is no dream too great for your soul to manifest — and you are far more powerful than you could ever possibly imagine.
I believe that as long as we follow our heart — that inner voice — we will remain on our soul’s track, no matter the outcome.
If our intentions are deeply rooted in positive energy and truth, then surely, we can align with that inner guidance and innate wisdom.
Sometimes people ask me about my dreams and what exactly it means to live them. The answer for me is this: I insist upon living my dreams, which are constantly evolving, and seeking that which I desire. As a matter of fact — this is a non-negotiable for me. I believe that this is my spiritual birthright and is at the core of the contract that I made with the Universe. I agree to show up every day and ‘do the work,’ to grow and evolve on a soul level. And in return, I ask that my desires manifest into my reality.
Manifesting is something that happens with divine timing, not necessarily my personal calendar. As each of my dreams becomes reality, I am already expanding my intentions and imagining new ones. However, there are a few ongoing expectations that I try to maintain in my daily life despite all other surrounding circumstances:
Experience as much love in my heart and body as humanly possible each and every day. Positive energy begets positive feelings and experiences.
Trust and follow my intuition, even when I don’t understand the path on which I am being guided. Seek out the golden lining in all of life’s crazy adventures, even when it’s most challenging.
Design each day as I choose it to be, infused with positive energy and love, open and receptive to the magic and miracles.
Wherever you find yourself right now, trust that your life is perfect on every level. If you love what you have created for yourself, then you can settle in and feel gratitude, basking in those manifestations. If you are feeling that you’d like to make some changes, no matter the size — simply acknowledge in this moment that you have the power to do so. That’s the good news, no matter what you are experiencing. One intention towards change begins the momentum.
Do you want to create a shift in your life? The first step is to remember that everything is energy — energy that can be transformed to create something new in your reality.
Here are some tips to guide you along your path of transformation:
- Consider that your current reality is potentially a reflection of your old self and your obsolete or expired wishes and intentions.
- Try to see the golden lining in your present situation, or at least be curious. There are valuable lessons all around you. The more you can appreciate where you’re at right now, the easier it is to shift into a new reality in life. The present moment, and how you perceive it, is your point of power. And gratitude is everything!
- Follow your intuition when it comes to taking action steps. Baby step by baby step, you will transform your present situation into something more positive when aligned with your highest self and inner navigation.
- Remember that you are already in transition to your newly imagined reality — or something even greater. Make sure that your thoughts and words are aligning with that which you would like to be living. Be on the lookout for the signs that the Universe is conspiring with you, and/or possibly signaling you to pay attention.
- Feel excited about your next steps as often as possible, knowing that divine timing has your best interests at heart. Try not to be attached to ‘how’ and ‘when’ this shift will occur. Notice the wonder that surrounds you every day.
Subtle shifts in your energy and actions will create great distance between you and your pre-conceived notions of what is possible in life. It is as simple as deciding — get conscious, clear and centered — and voila! Welcome to your new reality!
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