Unconditional love creates space for spontaneous healing of a life-long affliction
I’ve never been one of those people.
I’m sure you’ve heard stories about people who are able to perceive the extra-ordinary; to ‘see and hear’ intelligences that are otherworldly and non-physical. They claim to communicate with a loved one passed, or hear messages from angelic realms, or see auras — to ‘just know’ things that are seemingly impossible for them to know. Things that defy logic and reason.
Though slightly envious of those people, prior to my own illness-induced foray into being an intuitive — I thought they were all totally nuts.
I envied them because they seemed to have the ability to believe with great conviction in something larger than themselves. It was as if they knew a secret the rest of the world had yet to discover, and knowing it was the key to their inner strength and serenity.
I compared that with the strict conservative religion I was taught I should believe in as a child, which made the gap inside me grow even wider. I longed to feel connected to a divine someone or something beyond myself. But try as I might, I never could. Religion felt punitive and the spiritual/esoteric realm seemed too ridiculous and sensational.
And then, I literally experienced a miracle — something so mind-blowingly powerful it couldn’t be dismissed as new-age nonsense or explained by traditional religion or debunked by rational thought.
I’ll defy my southern inclination to tell the long tale, and just give you the gist. In 2008, I was diagnosed with a debilitating, painful and chronic illness (stage 4 endometriosis that resulted in a full hysterectomy). My doctors said that surgery would make it better, so I tried it. It didn’t help. In fact, it got worse. So much worse, that over the next four years I went on to endure three more surgeries, each promising to ‘fix’ it. Nothing came close and I went from sick to — do you have a living will — kind of ill
My fourth surgery was hell on earth — it was the final straw that broke the camel’s back — and I snapped. I was failing to recover, fearing for my life, and filled with rage and resentment towards an aloof and uncaring God who abandoned me, despite a lifetime of trying to seek and please Him. “Well…” I thought, “Screw this!”
If I was going to die, I damn sure wanted to know why. Come hell or high water, every fiber of my being was committed to this end. I decided to pray and ask for… no, demand answers.
And that’s when things got weird.
The instant I made this declaration, as clear as a bell, I heard a voice from within me say, “Heather, you can accept what has happened to you with grace and dignity, or you can remain in your anger and bitterness for the rest of your days. Choose wisely.”
At the same time, I noticed a presence within me that I had never felt before — there watching, listening and waiting. It felt indescribably peaceful and full of love. In that moment, I knew no matter what happened to me, everything would be ok.
I also knew I had a serious choice to make. Anger or grace?
Overcome by a wave of relief, in releasing my unyielding resistance – I asked instead for unconditional love. I allowed myself to embrace the fullness of what this presence was offering me. I let go of everything, the questions of Why and Would I live another day. I even relinquished my insistence on being healed. And as I made peace with this Divine Presence, my body relaxed and I fell into a deep, restful and restorative sleep.
When I thought it couldn’t get any weirder, I woke up the next morning completely healed. No more pain or illness. ‘Spontaneous recovery’ is what they call it — when they have no other way of explaining it scientifically.
And not only that, I could still hear the voice! After months of devouring every esoteric and scientific book I could get my hands on, I discovered that this power and voice was actually my Higher Self; the Divine Presence (or call it God, whichever works for you) that resides within each and every human being, waiting to be realized. I also discovered I could hear this voice in and for other people, too. So, my life’s work as an intuitive guide and spiritual development coach unfolded organically from there.
As I reflect on my story, there are many things that could be said about it. But for me, the biggest epiphany is this:
I was wrong. I am one of those people. And so are you.
At any moment, each of us can tap into this power within ourselves. We are not terrestrial beings trying to find our way back to Divine Presence, but fully embodied and beautiful manifestations of it. We are not separate from this power — we are this power. You are your Higher Self here in physical form. And miracles happen the moment you have faith in and listen to the wisdom waiting within.
Ultimately, I believe true faith isn’t something that can be taught. Rather, it’s something you actively choose and experience. You find your own personal faith by making a commitment to enter into a relationship with your Higher Self and to seek it each and every day. No religion, dogma, creed or movement will ever be able tell you your truth or give you what you need. It’s not out there. It’s inside, and that’s where you’ve got to learn to look.
I know this seems to be a Herculean task in our stress-filled, fast-paced world. But it is much simpler than you might expect. Here are a few techniques to set you on your way:
- ACCEPT: Accept and love yourself without You don’t need to change yourself or be ‘perfect.’
- SLOW DOWN: Slow down, Turbo! Perpetual motion prevents you from being able to hear the messages. You’ve got to be able to breathe to take them in. Don’t miss them.
- OBSERVE STILLNESS: Learn how to listen to yourself. This is really what meditation is all about — cultivating the art of witnessing what’s going on within a framework of detachment. Out with the old and in with the new you.
- SEIZE JOY: Start having more fun! The natural by-product of fun is abundant joy and happiness. Alignment with your Higher Self is that gateway.
My hope is that my story moves you in some meaningful way to discover your truth and embrace your birthright to a fulfilling life that expresses the potential of your soul. Remember that within you lies all that you seek and an ever-present Higher Self. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine — and never alone.
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