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How to embrace and practice allowance to create the reality you want in life
Allowance is a tool which can quite literally change all aspects of life including relationships, finances, career and more. Although allowance is a powerful and pragmatic way of improving one’s life, it is not something that is often talked about nor is it fully understood. Here is an overview of the fundamental principles of allowance along with its practical application.
1. Your points of view create your reality
A common perspective is that life happens to us and that our view of life, our own, others and the world, is shaped by the experiences that come our way. The opposite is true. Your point of view creates the reality you experience. The reality you experience does not create your point of view. This distinct difference is crucial in understanding the fundamental principles of allowance. In fact, it is the bedrock on which allowance is built.
Points of view are powerful things. As an example, if you have the point of view that you must work hard for money, you will ensure that you work hard for every dollar you earn. If you have the point of view that your kids should do what they are told without question, when they don’t, you will react. Positive points of view work as well. The rich and wealthy who always have money continue to have it because they have the point of view that they will always have it. There are countless examples of how your points of view are creating everything you are experiencing in your life. Change your points of view and your experience will change too.
2. Total allowance is just a choice
No matter what is occurring in your life and with whom, you can choose to be in allowance simply by shifting your points of view. Here’s how: Every time you notice a point of view you simply say to yourself, “Interesting point of view, I have that point of view.” Say it until you feel lighter, your mind becomes quieter, or you notice even a miniscule amount of change in your thinking. Using this practical application is how you get to allowance and when you are “in allowance,” you never have to have a point of view about whether something is right or wrong, good or bad, which makes the point of view nothing more than an opinion.
3. Allowance questions everything
A mathematician once gave a lecture to a large group of people. During his talk, he asked how many of the participants were “dumb in math.” He was stunned when all, but a few people raised their hands. That is just not statistically possible. Most of the people raising their hands had judged themselves or were judged to be “dumb in math” and as a result, they made choices in their lives based on their judgment that would prove to themselves and the world that they are dumb in math. Instead of being an astronaut, as they dreamed of when they were children, they had to settle for something else because they knew, in their heart of hearts, that they didn’t have what it takes. They were dumb in math.
What they were missing were questions. What if they had asked themselves, “Am I so dumb in math?” “How do I know?” “Is it true?” “Interesting that I have that point of view.” And that’s all it takes. You can also ask, “How are my points of view limiting me? How are my points of view creating what I am not happy with? Allowance questions everything.
4. Allowance includes you
Allowance for yourself is knowing that you’re going to be everything you are whether anybody likes it or not! When you choose to be in allowance of yourself, you begin to free yourself from the judgments that you have been using to limit you, whether those judgments are yours or anyone else’s.
A tool that you can use to assist with choosing allowance for yourself is to write down a list of all the things you think are the worst things about you, then write down all the things you think are the best things about you. Look at both lists and ask, “What judgments do I have to have to keep these points of view in existence?” Because it is guaranteed that both the “best” and “worst” things are based on judgments you have that you haven’t yet acknowledged. Now, use “Interesting point of view. I have that point of view”.
Allowance is a pragmatic way to enjoy life to the fullest and have more ease dealing with people and situations, even the difficult ones. Choose the points of view that create what you desire rather than holding on to the ones that attract what you don’t, recognize that you always have a choice, ask questions about everything and last, but not least, have allowance and gratitude for you.
If you want to create more living, you must be in allowance.
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