Got hugs?
Could you imagine waiting 11 hours to receive one? Until you have experienced being in the presence of Amma’s energy, it is difficult to describe. Amma is not about religion. As she says, “my religion is love.” In whatever we practice, she simply asks that we go deeper within the values of faith and live by those principles. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, or more commonly referred to as Amma, the hugging saint, has dedicated her life to traveling the world to dole out hugs – literally hugging each and every person who has come to see her (and we are talking 1000s upon 1000s of people; she has been known to sit for 22 hours at a time). The most personally accessible spiritual leader alive today, she has given this motherly embrace, known as her darshan, to more than 34 million people worldwide in an effort to offer love and compassion, and inspire others to do the same and be of service to the world. It is her mission to eradicate suffering and poverty.
This isn’t all about kisses and hugs, however. Amma puts her money where her hugs are. Recognized as one of the leading world humanitarians, she has become one of the greatest patrons of the poor. Her charitable organization Embracing The World is now active in 40 countries and is dedicated to alleviating the burden of the world’s poor through helping to meet each of the five basic needs – food, shelter, education, healthcare, and education – wherever and whenever possible. the movie, is the story of about what happened when one person decided to offer her life wholeheartedly for the sake of others.
Service to those in need is the real worship of God. ~ Amma