- Publisher: BK Publishing
- Available in: Paperback, Kindle
- Published: May 6, 2020
Ever Worry That Devices Have Taken Over Your Kid’s Life?
The Simple Parenting Guide to Technology is a short, step-by-step guide that will teach you how to set healthy limits on your kid’s screen time. Whether it’s smartphones, gaming or social media, this guide will lay out everything you need to say and do. It’s for every parent who finds themselves thinking, “Please, just tell me what to do!”
You will learn:
- How much screen time is right for their age
- How to calmly set and enforce limits (with word-for-word scripts)
- How to create a simple, effective “Family Tech Agreement” (template provided)
- Appropriate consequences for violating the rules
- When and how to utilize parental controls
You’ll be able to read this book in less than an hour and know exactly what to do to help your kid be a healthy, wise digital citizen.
Even your kids will thank you… someday.