Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
How the dance between the ego and higher consciousness is the divine space of transformation and soul evolution
In my new book, The Universe Always Has a Plan, I outline the 10 Golden Rules of ‘letting go’. As you learn to surrender a need for controlling outcomes in exchange for a deeper alignment with the Universe and its highest plan for your life — you are able to embrace the dream-come-true reality of emotional freedom and reap the rewards of your soul’s highest living potential.
One of the keys to letting go is redefining the Law of Attraction as a means of cooperating with the joy of your highest destiny, instead of trying to coerce the hands of fate in one way or another.
The Law of Attraction is a collaboration, not a form of control.
It is a co-creative dance merging the power of your will with alignments to various timelines of potential that allow the advancement of consciousness, or transformation, to occur. There are many people who have attempted to employ the Law of Attraction, as it has been historically taught, with a mixed bag of results.
The sticking point in the Law of Attraction is nearly identical to the sticking point in the journey of healing.
As someone who has been working in close collaboration with the Universe as a healer for the past 15 years, I have come to see the complexities that exist between someone’s desire to heal and the journey of healing meant to unfold.
Imagine a child who has aspirations of growing up and becoming a chef. They spent time visualizing their future as a chef with myriad awards and restaurants, so much so that they now feel ready to walk into a professional kitchen and create the dishes they’ve dreamed of. Imagine if that child walked into a professional kitchen, having to dodge the traffic of a busy cooking line and, to their frustration, what they imagined would happen when they entered the kitchen has not come to be. It would be easy for this child to conclude that their imagination creates false realities and to give up dreaming entirely.
And yet, there’s a voice inside this child that says: “You have made it to the right environment where you are meant to be, but it will take years to help you cultivate the personal maturity, as well as the skills needed, to work in and run a professional kitchen.”
From this moment of insight, the child realizes their desire is what put them on their destined path, that will require much training and preparation in order for their dreams to be actually fulfilled. This is much the same with implementing the Law of Attraction, or even the endeavor of healing.
Your desire for wellness, or helping others — or your desire for any ‘greater’ circumstance, places you on a path where an intricate journey of transformation unfolds.
Such a journey involves the Universe helping all of us unravel our core ego structure of unconsciousness, which creates space for the soul to awaken and raise our vibration to a frequency where we can simultaneously exit one timeline while entering another.
Throughout your spiritual journey, the most mature question you can ask yourself is…
“How much of me will need to change in order to access the goals in mind?”
Such a question helps you realize that a co-creative partnership with the Universe will be: one part your doing or effort, and another part the Universe ‘undoing the outdated you’ that is ready to fulfill its mission by returning to Source. When focused too much on reaching the endpoint of your goal, instead of embracing the journey of transformation itself, you identify with the very ego structure that the Universe trying to unravel, which creates symptoms such as despair, loneliness, apathy, confusion, boredom, anger, resentment, fear, addictive tendencies, exhaustion and un-groundedness.
Just as a child dreaming of being a chef must go to culinary school to learn and work their way up the rankings in a professional kitchen, each and every spiritual being that yearns to attract greater circumstances or heal themselves (or others) must understand the education process the Universe provides when such a desire to transform arises.
You aren’t going to attract your envisioned reality simply because you desired it.
You will step into a higher dimension of potential because you will have outgrown your old reality by allowing the Universe to help you think, feel, and respond differently to the perceptions in view.
There is a Law of Attraction, but it isn’t a spiritual form of Amazon Prime. Instead, it is a rather clever play on words, suggesting: “You are attracted to greater circumstances, not because those circumstances will make you any happier, but because your true happiness is evolving into a higher version of yourself where those new shiny objects are merely symbols for the joy and fulfillment you will feel as a newly-transformed you.”
Will you get what you want? Will it be in this lifetime, or are you merely planting seeds for future incarnations? Only time will tell. It’s a tricky question for two simultaneous reasons:
Your higher self wants you to be at a higher level of consciousness, while your ego yearns for you to stay at its current level of conditioning, just with ‘better’ bells and whistles to be engaged by.
Because the unconsciousness of ego contains the largest amount of emotional density carried in your energy field, the Universe, en route to helping you transform, must do everything in its power to unravel your ego to create space for a higher consciousness to emerge.
As your ego is unraveled, if viewing from that vantage point of conditioning, your experience will seem like: The Universe is ignoring me, I am alone, nothing seems to change, everyone is against me or never giving the way I do, life is unfair — or how come other people have the opportunities that I deserve?
Such examples highlight the pattern of victimhood being unraveled in your ego, which is always sent from the Universe as a gift to receive and never a punishment of any kind. This is a very deep and meaningful process — and it’s no one’s fault.
Transformation is a vision quest, not a list of demands to fulfill.
All too often the Universe will help you outgrow the need for the things you desire from your conditioning, to make room for the worthiness to have what you purely desire, while equally recognizing it’s not about the things you desired, but rather the level of consciousness required to have those things.
I say all this as someone who is quite skilled at activating the Law of Attraction. On many occasions, I am able to manifest things instantly. In other instances it takes hours, days, or months, depending upon the current trajectory of my expanding consciousness. When someone comes to an event, retreat, or participates in programs like Angel Academy and Total Integration, I am working directly with the Akashic Records to determine how much can be transformed when in my presence and what I need to do to activate this healing. I will ask, “Can I move them into a new timeline?”
If yes, whatever needs to be done will instantly occur to facilitate such change. Often times I hear, “They need a greater percentage of their ego integrated in preparation for such an advancement.” So I ask, “What percentage of ego can I help release in accordance with their Akashic Record?” Once I receive the answer, the very experience one has is exactly the medicine needed to move them forward in evolution.
When a person (or group) is ready for such a transformation, there are limitless tools and mens which a truly aligned healer can implement.
The Universe will help me search for access points into parallel dimensions where healing has already occurred. The Universe will grant me the power to shapeshift subtle energy bodies into radical states of wellness. The Universe will grant me the permission and capacity to rewire the subconscious and clear out cellular debris to inspire the remission of illness, the discovery of emotional freedom, transcendent bliss, and even moments of heavenly revelation. Not because I decided so, but because the Universe let me know what that person (or group) was ready to receive.
On a personal level, I want to radically shift each person’s circumstances in the blink of an eye. And yet, there is a system and protocol that I must follow and it’s the exact same framework being taught to you as your journey advances.
We’re all working with divine timing, not our personal will’s timing — for ourselves, and those we’re wanting to help/support.
Since the primary focus of the Universe is the integration of ego, the ego often lets go in moments of defeat, disappointment, or disillusionment. If you are identifying with ego, you will be experiencing such a crucial moment of defeat to clear out more conditioning, while erroneously believing it’s another sign that you aren’t worthy of the change you envision.
As you align with the healers and wayshowers who also act as loving companions throughout your journey, as well as educators of a new spiritual paradigm, you will come to see life is not about what you have or don’t have — financially, physically, emotionally or even spiritually. It’s a matter of embracing your current circumstances as the most fertile soil through which your awakened consciousness can blossom.
While the ego asks, “How can I make this different?” — the soul inquires, “How is this a perfect set-up to help me mature, grow, and expand?”
Having the power to instanty change things to be the way you want them would surely snuff out the greater gift of learning throughout life’s complex journey. At a certain point in your evolution, you will realize that everything takes time on this planet because that’s what you incarnated to experience.
Each of us came to Earth to manifest at a much slower speed than in Heaven, so we can get up close and personal with the inner workings of the Universe and get to know the journey of our growth at each vibrational level from start to finish.
With greater love for yourself and others, you can slow the pace of your ambitions to explore each facet of your reality from a more mature standpoint.
Just as a child envisioning being a chef might dream of running their first restaurant as a refuge from the slow agonizing pace of learning in culinary school — the wisdom of life reminds the child, “If you think culinary school is challenging, you have no idea what awaits you in a professional kitchen. Only by thriving in school may you succeed in the areas such schooling prepared you for.”
There is a reason you have what you have. There is a reason you don’t have what you don’t.
It’s not a punishment or a sign that you are out of alignment. It is merely another stage of cosmic preparation, where the Universe is more interested in helping you embody your spiritual mastery than stalling your evolution with the brand new ‘objects’ your ego attached to.
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